Friday, September 12, 2008


So things around these parts have been quite hectic lately...My cousin is going through a nasty divorce from a man who is abusive and an alcoholic..etc.. and she has three kids from 7 to 1 and at the moment the youngest Taylor is living with us for the time being..could be long-term... Anywho, since I am the only one who can currently be home during the day I get to take care of her ALL day=) It has been fun but frustrating also. She is VERY strong-willed and has been on no schedule whatsoever. So that is changing for sure! She has been sick the past week and a half congested and wheezing and all that good stuff and so we have to give her these breathing treatments ever so often. It's funny as
you can see in the visuals the little mask is an animal

looks like a lizard or something to me.. but it's so
cute..she hates it but it must be done..
So my life lately has consisted of everything baby.
It is quite tiring and is hard work. All teenagers
who are having sex should have to experience
what it is like having a child and ALL that it entails.
I am very glad it is Friday and that the weekend is coming! Hope everyone has a super weekend!
Til next time...