Thursday, December 30, 2010

Another Year!

Welp folks another year has come and is about to be gone. I must admit I hear people say all the time, "this year has flown" but I feel I have not experienced that in its fullness until this year. Where has it gone??!!!

The Lord has been good to me yet again even in situations where I was REALLY having to remind myself of that constantly. My year hasn't been too grand or eventful but none the less I feel as if it was DEFINITELY a year of trying times, looking back now I am thankful because God has taught me some special lessons. I feel more than anything this year has been one of preparation. I feel He is still preparing me for what He has for me and will continue throughout my life hopefully.. I am proud to close this chapter/year of my life and have a fresh, clean, shiny page that is yet to be written. There is something so exhilarating and exciting about that. What will this year hold, what things will be welcomed and what will things will you have to trudge through?? I am thankful to be alive to see another new year and grateful to my Father in heaven for pushing and at times carrying me through this year! I wait with a childlike anticipation for what 2011 will bring....

Happy New Year!

"Another fresh new year is here..
Another year to live!
To banish worry, doubt, and fear,
To love and laugh and give!" -William Arthur Ward