Sunday, December 14, 2008

When does it end!??

So I've realized that I'm not so good at this keeping up with blogging thing. I always forget for some reason, I need to work on being better about posting. Life has been a combination of hectic/not hectic... It seem like the times when I have time to spare I don't have anything that needs to be done but when I have things already on my plate it seems that there is ALWAYS something/things that have to be done. So I pledge that I will do my best to blog more:o)

Recently my 2001 alero (aka the silver bullet) has decided that she is going to cause problems for me, mainly in the department of NOT STARTING! I recently had my fuel pump replaced, oh not even a month ago, and it seems that we have the same issue again.. Why is it that at the most inopportune times, when you REALLY have to have your car and don't have any money/have other things you want to spend you money on (Christmas gifts), your car breaks down? It is quite the frustration, I must say, after just recently shelling out the dough for it to be fixed. Luke was planning on taking the car to Nashville on Tuesday to visit his parents for Christmas break and OF COURSE the car breaks just in time to make things complicated. Luckily he had bought me a ticket after Christmas to fly to Nashville so we found a flight this coming week to get him there and the nice folks at Southwest were more than happy to transfer the flight.. In spite of the recent set back we WILL PREVAIL and get him to Nashville so that he is able to go see his Grandparents:0) That of course means that I will be making the 11hr. trek to Nashville later on in some car, but I must admit the time alone and chance to drive and clear my mind will be welcomed!

On to other subjects.............:o)
So is it just me or does it just not feel like Christmas this year? I think that my mind has not caught up with how time has flown since August. Since I have been subbing/taking care of a 1 year old in that time (which is by the way a FULL time deal) I have just not been able to keep up with time. I am ready to have a MUCH needed break that comes at Christmas and am looking forward to ringing in the New Year in Nashville and look forward to spending time with friends and family.

Of the wall yet again (this is how my mind works, very randomly)
I am thinking about moving to Nashville, TN after the Spring and am praying about it and, if so, preparing my finances for it. So pray for me if you think about it...

Hope everyone is gearing up for a new week and for most, the last week of school before the break YAY!! Remember to not take things to seriously because we're not in control GOD IS!:O) Blessings to all!

P.S. I miss my old friends I haven't seen in forever