Monday, September 1, 2008

Welcome all!

Well I have finally made a blog. I've been wanting to for some time just haven't sat down and actually done it..but now it has been created=)

Today is the most anticipated Labor Day for most of the U.S. population. Isn't it quite ironic that we call it labor day when in fact it is the one day we DON'T work.. whoever came up with that must not have been the sharpest tool in the shed but non-the-less we are grateful for the day of relaxation and fun. I for one am not employed at the moment. I am in the excruciating process of passing all of my tests to FINALLY become a teacher.. do not be fooled my friends this is no piece of cake. It is quite possible the hardest two tests you will ever take in your life, fellow educators you know where I'm coming from. So these tests are designed to trick you in every possible way so that you don't pass therefore paying the $117 fee for both tests, making them rich! It is a complete scam in my opinion. Why do we go to college for 4yrs. (or for some special students 6yrs.) if we just have to take these idiotic tests at the end. It is like they are saying we don't trust that you have learned what you should so therefore go to college, pay the big bucks, and THEN come and pass our test. This process infuriates me beyond words! No wonder teachers are in need so badly. No one can pass these tests!

I most beautifully went to school and busted my rump for 4years (summer school and all) to get done with school. Of course once I got into oh my junior year at the great Texas Tech University I realized wait a second, I don't really want to teach high school kids! I would come to this realization once it was TOO LATE to change my mind. So I figured I would rather just teach elementary then deal with high schoolers... SoCharity gets to take not only 2 of the God forsaken exit tests she gets to take 4! Oh YAY! I was questioning if I even wanted to teach anymore... I know what you're thinking why in the world would you go and do that!!?? My answer i don't know. For those of you who truly know me that only thing that I've ever wanted to do since i was oh..4 was to be a stay at home mom and wife. That has not changed over the years..I could really give a flip about a career but that's just my personality. I would rather be taking care of my kids, the house, and my husband than off working at some 9-5 job. Those women out there that feel that is your calling more power to you that's just not me! Call me old fashioned if you may=)

I have recently been exposed to some wonderful information about mission work. My lovely friend, hopefully one day sister Hannah has just started working for a christian, humanitarian, organization called World Vision. It is a world-wide missions they offer so many different avenues to help those in need around the world. They have disaster relief efforts, they encourage people to sponsor children around the world who need food, clothing, clean drinking water, etc.. They do education, health care.. and on and on. Hannah just started working for them and she is going to be their rep. on a veggie tales tour starting this week and going through November which is very exciting and i'm so happy she gets this experience. My heart is so in something like that. I would love to go to other countries and teach people English, or just basic things like hygiene or sex education. I mean the most common knowledge things we are aware of they have no clue about. I don't know how or when I could get involved but it has been something on my heart. I am praying that God will show me how I should go about it, etc..I'm excited to see what he will show me.

I guess that is enough babble for today. I hope everyone is well and enjoying a day away from work! Be blessed and bless others.....


Unknown said...

welcome nay nay..looks like you have been stealing some of my blog friends..tsk tsk..;0)